Grade 9
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Click the icon to complete the crossword. |
Click the QUIZSTAR icon to enter the quiz!You will need to register - no personal details such as email addresses are required and it is free. You will need to search for the quiz either by title "MYP Cells" or under class search "BBISMYPBiology". The test consists of 20 multi-choice questions.
Food and Digestion
Biotechnology Assignment
Click the QUIZSTAR icon to enter the quiz!You will need to register - no personal details such as email addresses are required and it is free. You will need to search for the quiz either by title "MYP Photosynthesis and Respiration" or under class search "BBISMYPBiology". The test consists of 20 multi-choice questions.
Click the icon to complete the crossword.A grid of 27 words that you should include in your written answers to questions about photosynthesis and respiration. An understanding of these words and being able to use them will also improve the quality of both your written work and and any verbal presentations. This is very important in your assessments for the criteria [A] One World and [B] Communication in Science.
Grade 10
Click the icon to complete the crossword.
Food Chains, Food Webs, Energy Pyramids and Biomagnification
The Minamata Bay Disaster - Bioaccumulation of Mercury from the Chisso Factory
Human Influences on the Environment
Eutrophication in Ireland
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You will need to register - no personal details such as email addresses are required and it is free. You will need to search for the quiz either by title "MYP Biology" or under class search "BBISMYPBiology". The test consists of 20 multi-choice questions.
Complete the puzzle for an explanation of the greenhouse effect
Complete the puzzle to see the effect of acid rain on forest areas.
The Miracle of Life
Click the QUIZSTAR icon to enter the quiz!
You will need to register - no personal details such as email addresses are required and it is free. You will need to search for the quiz either by title "MYP Biology 2" or under class search "BBISMYPBiology". The test consists of 20 multi-choice questions.
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