On The Farm
This unit has the broad theme of food production.
I have collaborated on investigations into the process of photosynthesis and I can demonstrate my understanding of why plants are vital to sustaining life on Earth.
SCN 3-02a
SCN 3-02a
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Golspie results: Top is a variegated geranium leaf and bottom a normal variegated leaf.
Conclusion: Plants need chlorophyll to photosynthesise.
Conclusion: Plants need chlorophyll to photosynthesise.
Experiment 1 - Effect of changing temperature on the number of oxygen bubbles
Experiment 2 - Effect of the colour of light on the number of bubbles
Experiment 3 - Effect of the amount of carbon dioxide on the number of bubbles
Experiment 4 - Effect of the light intensity on the number of bubbles
Experiment 1 - Effect of changing temperature on the number of oxygen bubbles
- Have light intensity (white light) and CO2 at a maximum
- Change the temperature by clicking on the thermometer
- Record your results in a table and draw a graph
Experiment 2 - Effect of the colour of light on the number of bubbles
- Have temperature, light intensity and CO2 at a maximum
- Change the the colour of light by clicking on the lamp switch
- Record your results in a table and draw a bar chart
Experiment 3 - Effect of the amount of carbon dioxide on the number of bubbles
- Have temperature and light intensity (white light) at a maximum
- Change the the amount of CO2 by clicking on the bottle
- Record your results in a table and draw a bar chart
Experiment 4 - Effect of the light intensity on the number of bubbles
- Have temperature and CO2 at a maximum. Use white light.
- Change the the light intensity using the dimmer switch above the bulb
- Record your results in a table and draw a line graph
Using a microscope, I have developed my understanding of the structure and variety of cells and of their functions.
SCN 3-13a
SCN 3-13a
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I have propagated and grown plants using a variety of different methods. I can compare these methods and develop my understanding of their commercial use.
SCN 4-02a
SCN 4-02a
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Worksheet 1 |
Worksheet 2 |
Through investigations and based on experimental evidence, I can explain the use of different types of chemicals in agriculture and their alternatives and can evaluate their potential impact on the world’s food production.
SCN 3-03a
SCN 3-03a
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PowerPoint Download |
I can help to design experiments to find out what plants need in order to grow and develop. I can observe and record my findings and from what I have learned I can grow healthy plants in school.
SCN 1-03a
SCN 1-03a
PowerPoint Download |
Through exploring the carbon cycle, I can describe the processes involved in maintaining the balance of gases in the air, considering causes and implications of changes in the balance.
SCN 4-05b
SCN 4-05b
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Through investigating the nitrogen cycle and evaluating results from practical experiments, I can suggest a design for a fertiliser, taking account of its environmental impact.
SCN 4-03a
SCN 4-03a
PowerPoint Download |
Some plants grow in soils containing very little nitrogen and obtain nitrogen from trapping and digesting insects!
Nutrient Cycle Quiz
Download the above quiz
On The Farm
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